Getting Started with Docker

Описание к видео Getting Started with Docker

Download the latest Docker Desktop and follow along with Shy in this hands-on workshop →

Software containers have become an essential tool in every developer's tool belt. They make it easy to share, run, and scale code. In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to provide your applications and services with containers by working in standardized, highly portable environments using Docker.

Sr. Developer Advocate at Docker, Shy Ruparel, will walk you through how to use Docker to create reproducible environments, regardless of where your code is deployed. He'll cover setting up Docker and Docker Desktop, running your first container, creating a basic web application with Python and Docker, managing dependencies in your projects across multiple platforms, and how to push a Docker Image to Docker Hub. During this 3 hour workshop, we’ll cover:

• Intro and brief history of Docker
• Getting started with Docker and Docker Desktop
• Making and using containers
• Taking advantage of Docker Hub to find Official Images
• Persistent data with volumes
• Multiple Docker containers at once with Docker Compose
• Deploying containers to the cloud
• Quick peek at Docker Extensions

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