How to Clean Canister Filters | Penn Plex Cascade 1000

Описание к видео How to Clean Canister Filters | Penn Plex Cascade 1000

Whatsup my YouTube family! This is a quick guide on how to clean your canister filter. Cleaning the canister filter is something that must be done if you want to maintain a good balance in the aquarium. This will make sure your Canister filter continues to run in good condition. I have a Penn Plax 1000 Canister filter on my aquarium and I haven’t cleaned it in a while. So I figured why not make a video showing me doing so and maybe it could prove to be helpful for anyone considering upgrading from a hang on the back filter to a canister filter.

Below I added links to Amazon to where you can find the same filter I have and also the activated carbon I used to help clean the water. ( which there will be a review soon on the results )

Here is a link to the Penn Plax Cascade Canister filter:

Here is a link to the Marineland Premium Activated Carbon:

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