Did Governor Josh Shapiro sell land owners out gas leasing settlement?

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PA AG Sells Out Landowners in Royalty Settlement with Chesapeake
March 9, 2021 Chesapeake Energy, Energy Companies, Industrywide Issues, Lease & Royalty Payments, Litigation, Pennsylvania, Statewide PA
Chesapeake Energy has screwed over landowners in northeastern Pennsylvania (and elsewhere) for years. Under the provisions of a “settlement” just brokered by PA’s shale-hating Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, Chesapeake will get away with settling the royalty case for pennies on the dollar. The average landowner will get just over $300 from this “settlement.” What a cruel joke. This is all about headlines and showmanship for Shapiro who hopes to run for governor next year. Don’t fall for his “I’m the savior of landowners” schtick. He just sold landowners down the river in return for a headline his campaign can use.


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