Maplestory Evan Culvert (74,016)

Описание к видео Maplestory Evan Culvert (74,016)

-4s CDR Hat
6% CDR (Merc Legion)
17.5% CD Skip
WJ4 / RoR4 / RT4

Hexa Matrix:
Lv. 30 Mana Burst
Lv. 30 Zodiac Burst
Lv. 30 Elemental Radiance
Lv. 27 Dragon Slam
Lv. 17 Elemental Barrage
Lv. 5 Spiral of Mana

Pop Buffs
-Pop Heroic Memories
-When Heroic Memories is at 40s, Stack Freud's (1)
-When Heroic Memories is at 30s, Proc Fatal Strike
-Enter when Heroic Memories is at 20s & Stack Freud's (2) on entry + Goddess Blessing before the boss spawns

-Wrymking's + WJ4 + AB Link on stage 5
-Stack Freud's whenever it is off cooldown
-Use Dragon Slam whenever off cooldown

-At 60s, pop Heroic Memories & Goddess Blessing as well as Seren/Will skill. You should have just Freud's Stack (5) at this time.
-Pop Radiance 50-52s mark but do not proc it yet. Pop Wyrmking + RoR4 / AB Link into Origin. This should automatically proc Radiance. (Fatal Strike should proc around final hit of origin)
-35s mark stack Freud's (6) and swap to RT4 for the remaining 30s.
-You should be able to have a final Wrymking's the last 10s and remember to pop AB Link if you were lucky enough to skip.

-Use presets to ring swap
-You can still use dragon skills when ring swapping while in Freud's & Gene iframe for that bit of extra damage!
-If you cd skip Thunder Flash & Earth dive, it's better to return early and re-cast the fusion!!

Best of luck fellow Evans!


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