Traditional Catholic bishops consecrated at Ecône in 1988

Описание к видео Traditional Catholic bishops consecrated at Ecône in 1988

The controversial Episcopal consecrations of 30 June 1988 performed at Econe, Switzerland, by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with the support of Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer. The Archbishop raised four traditionalist priests of the Society of Saint Pius X to the level of bishop in order that they might continue the work of the Society long after his death.

The Archbishop founded the Society in 1970 to maintain Catholic Tradition in the face of the changes sweeping through the Church following the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). After a turbulent eighteen years involving conflict with Church authorities and increasingly strained relations with Rome, the Archbishop performed the consecrations despite opposition by the Pope.

The Pope soon after issued a condemnation stating that the Archbishop and the four new bishops had incurred excommunication. Despite this the Archbishop, the bishops, and the Society at large continued on regardless. Today the Society numbers 450 priests, 230 seminarians, many brothers and sister, and many schools, priories, and churches throughout the world.


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