Michael Marra - Beefhearts and Bones

Описание к видео Michael Marra - Beefhearts and Bones

Mr Marra's skills as a craftsman of words are well illustrated in this song. The introduction usually went a bit like this:

"This is a song on the hilarious subject of divorce. I got a bit fed up - all my pals were getting divorced round about the same time. At roughly the same age too. They all had probably the same faults as well. But at that time when they were all getting divorced I found out what the procedure is. As you probably know yourself, when a couple are splitting up the procedure is. One of them tells you one side of the story and you are then invited to despise the other party.
So I wanted to write a song about a couple who are splitting up. And this particular couple who are splitting up are childless; they have no children, so it's not too tragic. Because they have no children, the most important thing they must do is divide their record collection; that's when the real trouble starts. I noticed when I was writing this song that I was giving the woman all my favourite records, which seemed a wee bit unfair, so I went right back to the start and gave the man the Captain Beefheart album. The song is called Beefhearts and Bones."


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