काली और गोरी बहू की ससुराल में पहली रसोई|हिन्दी कहानियां l Sasural Me Pahli Rasoi| Spicy Sas Bahu.

Описание к видео काली और गोरी बहू की ससुराल में पहली रसोई|हिन्दी कहानियां l Sasural Me Pahli Rasoi| Spicy Sas Bahu.



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Scene:- While entering the house, both the daughters-in-law….

Kusum: Come, come, my two daughters-in-law are very welcome. From now on, both of you will manage this house together.. All my worries are over.

Sheetal: Don't worry, sister, I and sister together will take care of everything in the house…

Naina: Yes maanji everything will be fine…

Pakhi: Mother, just look how fair my elder sister-in-law is and how black my younger sister-in-law is, it doesn't even match with Rajan Bhaiya.

Kusum: Pakhi son, I have got the horoscope and qualities of your brother and sister-in-law matched, which are very good.

Naina: But Manji, I agree with Pakhi and there is no need to match horoscopes, now there should be a vibe match between husband and wife.

Kusum: Ok now what is this vibe, is there any new horoscope etc?

Mohit: No Maa Naina means that how similar each other's gestures and words, each other's habit are to each other, it is called vibe…!

Kusum: Well, what are these useless things, today both of you are talking correctly… If they start fighting tomorrow, but it is not like that in the horoscope. Well, now you go and rest and both of you have to wake up early for your first kitchen tomorrow morning, so come on time.

Sheetal: Yes Aunty…

Narration:- Then both daughter-in-law and son go to their room where Rajan holds Sheetal's hand.

Rajan: Sheetal, never consider yourself alone, I am always with you.. and I know the nature of my sister, so don't feel bad about her. And you are very dear to my heart, I don't mind even if your face is black and I know you will take care of my house very well.

Sheetal: Thank you Rajan for believing and loving me so much…

Rajan: Let's go to sleep now...

Narration:- Only then both husband and wife fall asleep. The next day, younger daughter-in-law Sheetal wakes up early and cleans the house and starts cooking first in the kitchen, while Naina wakes up late and doesn't even do any work..she takes a bath and starts doing makeup..

Mohit: Naina you are very late.. Sheetal must have reached the kitchen by now, why aren't you getting ready early and leaving for your first kitchen? You are so fair skinned and why are you doing makeup?

Naina: Offo Mohit, I am fair but I need to look more beautiful to maintain myself, anyway I am more beautiful than my sister-in-law. When guests come to the house, they will only praise the food I have prepared and only me.

Mohit: Seriously, you know how to cook well, don't you?

Naina: Yes, of course I do.. Just make lipstick and hair style, rest of my makeup is done.

Narration - After getting ready, Naina reaches the kitchen to cook her first kitchen meal.

Naina: Oh Mohit was right, you are already here.

soft; Yes, sister-in-law got up early, mother told me that tomorrow and then the guests are also going to come in a while.

Naina: Ok ok I also prepare my food. Peas are boiled, I make gravy.. so that peas become paneer and chickpeas boil…

Kusum: Bahu, prepare the food quickly.. It will take time for the guest to come, till then I will call Nirmala and Sarojini..

Sheetal: Yes Aunty.

Narration:- The black daughter-in-law prepares her food quickly and changes the covers of the sofa, while on the other hand, the white daughter-in-law cooks food in the heat and says on the phone after seeing her face.

Naina: Oh my god it's so hot, my makeup is a little spoiled. In a while the guests or neighbors will come while the chickpeas are boiling. I touch up and come back in 5 minutes.. I will also turn off the gas of Matar Paneer…

Narration:- Saying this, Naina goes to her room and starts doing makeup again, she doesn't care about the food of her first kitchen and all her food gets burnt, meanwhile both the neighbors come home, whom Kusum welcomes.

Kusum: You sit down, I will bring both the daughters-in-law. Hey, how is this burning smell coming?

Nirmala: There is a smell of something burning. Has the food prepared by Kusum Bahu burnt?

Narration - Kusum immediately goes to the kitchen and switches off the gas. Only then she calls her daughter-in-law and brings her.

Kusum: Naina daughter-in-law, what have you done, burnt all the food, does anyone do such things? Now what will you feed the neighbors, you have ruined everything?

Sheetal: No problem Manji, don't worry, serve the food that I had prepared.

Kusum; Yes it will be fine.


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