Sunday Spotlight - Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

Описание к видео Sunday Spotlight - Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

Tonight the spotlight's gotta work quick, because the feds are on the way! Turnip Boy Robs a Bank picks up where Tax Evasion left off, with Turnip joining the Pickled Gang in a repeated smash-and-grab heist on the Botanical Bank. Battle through semi-randomized sections of the bank, deal with security, grab as much cash and possible, and get out before the timer's up - then do it again with better tools to get even further. It keeps the signature madcap humor of the first, blending the cutesy visuals with a flurry of jokes and deceptively dark backstory. With good controls, a crisp and distinct art style, and a surprisingly good soundtrack, this is a game with a lot of love poured into it - and possibly some controlled substances too.

If you liked the last Turnip Boy game, or just want a fun rogue-extra-lite with a goofy premise that doesn't waste your time, then get your Nixon mask and get in the van. And let's see some hustle, people! Stinky the bank manager ain't the forgive-and-forget type, y'hear?


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