First Tiger Trout Fishing in Alberta

Описание к видео First Tiger Trout Fishing in Alberta

Tiger Trout is a new addition to the Alberta Fishery as well as many other fisheries across North America. This is a hybrid fish which is sterile, non reproductive. It combines the genetics of both a Brown Trout and a Brook Trout. The brook trout is actually a Char and a brown trout is a true trout. The specimens are very aggressive and grow to large sizes. They have great growth potenial, ferocious appetite and LOOK AMAZING!

My dad and I went out about a year and a half ago and the fish were not that cooperative, but we still did catch a few trout. The wind was bad and the fish were infrequent so we didn't get much footage. My dad caught a stunning Tiger Trout so I thought I would share this.

I caught my first on a water boatman fly on the fly rod. I thought it was a rainbow because it was quite silver in coloration, until we got it in the net. Beautiful fish and I hope I get to go after them someday again. Maybe this summer if the restrictions ever open up.

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Till next time God Bless your Adventure!


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