Appayya Dīkṣita’s Sublime Devotion To Bhagavān Śiva By Sri Mani Dravid Shastrigal

Описание к видео Appayya Dīkṣita’s Sublime Devotion To Bhagavān Śiva By Sri Mani Dravid Shastrigal

Sri Appayya Dikshita was one of the most outstanding scholar, philosopher, poet, and a ritualist to have walked on the sacred land of Bharat. He lived in 16th century CE and has the unique distinction as being a great Acharya of both Advaita Vedanta and Shivadvaita. He is in fact counted among the three great Dravida Acharyas of Advaita Sampradaya along with Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavadpada and and earlier teacher who is only known from quotations of other authors. Appayya Dikshita is also considered as belonging to the venerable trio of Shivadvaita along with Srikanta Sivacharya and Haradattacharya.

Appayya Dikshitar was born in Adayapalam, near Ami in the North Arcot district, in 1554 A.D. His father’s name was Rangarajudhwari. Appayya had the name Vinayaka Subramanya when Namakarana ceremony took place. Acharya Dikshitar or Acchan Dikshitar was the younger brother of Appayya. Appayya studied the the Shastras under Guru Rama Kavi and completed the fourteen Vidyas while he was quite young. He was also known as great performer of Vaidika Yajnas including Yajnas such as Soma and Vajapeya.

Appaya Dikshita was a scholar-par-excellence and he travelled widely, entering into philosophical disputations and controversies in many centers of learning. The greatness of his scholarship can be known from the fact that he authored more than a hundred and four works, very profound and in-depth works, representative of all branches of knowledge in the Sanskrit language and literature including Vedanta, Shivadvaita, Mimamsa, Vyakarana, Kavya, Alankara, and devotional poetry.

Some of his prominant works on Vedanta include Siddhanta Lesa Sangraha, Nyaya Rakshamani, and Kalpataruparimala. Important Shivadvaita works include Sikharani Mala and a commentary on it titled Shiva Tattva Viveka, Sri Sivarka Mani Dipika, and Anandalahari Chandrika. Vidhirasayana and a commentary on it titled Sukhopayojini, Upakrama Parakrama, and Purvottara Mimamsa Vada Nakshtra Mala are among his notable works on Mimamsa. His work Chatur Mata Sara Sangraha
captures in four sections, the four schools of Vedanta – the Dvaita, the Visishtadvaita, the Sivadvaita, and the Advaita.

This Symposium seeks to explore the multifaceted writings of Sri Appayya Dikshita and highlight the width and depth of his scholarship, as well as bring out unique aspects of his works.

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