Pied kingfisher. (2024) 班鱼狗 HD1080p

Описание к видео Pied kingfisher. (2024) 班鱼狗 HD1080p

The pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) is a species of water kingfisher widely distributed across Africa and Asia. Originally described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, it has five recognised subspecies. Its black and white plumage and crest, as well as its habit of hovering over clear lakes and rivers before diving for fish, make it distinctive. Males have a double band across the breast, while females have a single broken breast band. They are usually found in pairs or small family groups. When perched, they often bob their head and flick up their tail.
It is common throughout sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia from Turkey to India to China. It is resident, and most birds do not migrate, other than short-distance seasonal movements. In India it is distributed mainly on the plains and is replaced in the higher hills of the Himalayas by the crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris).
The pied kingfisher is estimated to be one of the three most numerous kingfishers in the world; the other two are the common kingfisher and collared kingfisher. It is a noisy bird, making it hard to miss.
When perched the pied kingfisher often bobs its heads up and down and will sometimes raise its tail and flick it downwards. It calls often with sharp chirruk chirruk notes. Unlike some kingfishers, it is quite gregarious, and forms large roosts at night.

中文名 斑鱼狗 英文名 Pied Kingfisher. 拉丁名 Ceryle rudis
斑鱼狗在中国主要分布于广西省,国外分布于印度、不丹、斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国等。常见于江河、溪流、湖泊的岸边,停息在岸边的树上,有时甚至出现在水塘和路边水渠岸上。觅食水生动物, 以鱼、虾、水生昆虫等水生动物为食,有时也吃蝌蚪和蛙。 繁殖期3-7月,通常营巢于河流岸边沙岩上,自己掘洞为巢,无任何内垫物,
识别 . 非常大的黑白色鱼狗。具蓬松的羽冠。上体青黑色并具白色横斑和点斑,羽冠亦如此。大块白斑由颊部延至颈侧,下有黑色髭纹。下体白色,胸部具黑色斑纹,两胁具皮黄色横斑。雄鸟翼下覆羽白色,雌鸟翼下覆羽黄棕色。喙、跗跖黑色。
分布 喜马拉雅山脉和印度北部山麓地带、中南半岛北部、中国南部和东部。在中国,guttulata亚种为华中、华东、华南、海南海拔2000m以下地区的偶见留鸟,指名亚种不常见于辽宁。


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