Cruise Ship Turnaround: 10 Hours to Stock a City

Описание к видео Cruise Ship Turnaround: 10 Hours to Stock a City

(26 Feb 2016) FOR CLEAN VERSION SEE STORY NUMBER: apus049408

It's still dark out at this industrial port. Most passengers aboard the Oasis of the Seas are sound asleep in their staterooms.
But below deck the crew of one of the world's largest cruise ship is preparing to turn the vessel around. They have just ended a week-long voyage taking 6,222 people throughout the Caribbean. In just hours, another 6,114 will start their vacations.
Suitcases need to be unloaded and loaded. Piles of trash and recycling are removed and an entire week's worth of food for the passengers _ and 2,193 crew members _ needs to be loaded onboard.
The clock is ticking. There are just 10 hours to essentially empty and restock a small town. If that weren't enough, housekeeping needs to turn over 2,700 staterooms for the new guests.
Here's a look at some of the items on one sailing:
_ Lobster tails: 5,400
_ Ice cream cones: 21,000
_ Potatoes: 14,800 pounds
_ Apples: 2,600 pounds
_ Bananas: 5,400 pounds
_ Eggs: 46,800
_ Beer: 31,900 bottles and 900 cans

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