Torizon VS Code IDE Extension + Qt Projects + Qt Creator Integration for Torizon OS

Описание к видео Torizon VS Code IDE Extension + Qt Projects + Qt Creator Integration for Torizon OS

In this video, I show the integration between Torizon VS Code IDE Extension and Qt Projects. You can use the C++ Qt QML template with VS Code and Qt Creator for a great Qt application development experience for embedded Linux.

This feature is under the preview channel, to use the template with the features use the add the follow in your global settings.json:

"torizon.templatesBranch": "next",
"torizon.templatesTag": "next"

00:00 - Torizon VS Code IDE Extension Qt Project integration
09:01 - Torizon Qt Creator integration

vs code ide torizon extension qml qt project cpp c++ toradex torizon verdin apalis raspberry pi embedded linux industrial


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