前和黃大班馬世民,談黎智英慨嘆,提林鄭起火|The Unbound Taipan Simon Murray

Описание к видео 前和黃大班馬世民,談黎智英慨嘆,提林鄭起火|The Unbound Taipan Simon Murray

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#Let'sTalk|The Unbound Taipan Simon Murray - Li Ka-shing's Once Most Trusted Associate
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📺 Watch "Let's Talk" other episodes:    • Let's Talk  

📺 The stories of Hong Kongers who have left their homeland:    • English Subtitles:The stories of Hong...  

馬世民,從法國外籍兵團士兵蛻變為香港商界領袖,這位李嘉誠的前心腹愛將與《綠豆》客席主持 Steve Vines 無所不談。馬世民談及他與李澤楷和李澤鉅忍讓的關係,還論及彭定康如何被香港商界和英國外交部惡言相向。對於香港目前的處境,他一再強調林鄭月娥的責任,而黎智英被捕令他警醒。不過,在商,言商,擁抱大灣區始終是王道。

This episode features Simon Murray, who evolved from French Foreign Legion soldier to Hong Kong business leader, in an unreserved conversation with Steve Vines, Guest Host of Green Bean Media. As Li Ka-shing's former trusted lieutenant at Hutchison Whampoa, Murray holds nothing back - discussing his tolerant relationship with Li's sons, Richard and Victor, and offering insights into the family empire. In this lively interview, he also discusses how Chris Patten was badly treated by both Hong Kong's business elite and Britain's foreign office. Murray doesn't mince words about Hong Kong's current state, laying blame on Carrie Lam's governance, with Jimmy Lai's arrest being a warning bell for him. However, when it comes to business, embracing the Greater Bay Area remains the way forward.

About the Guest Host:
Stephen Vines is a recovering journalist, writer and broadcaster who based in Hong Kong for 35 years and is now getting to grips with the strangely pleasant land called Britain. His Substack post is updated weekly - https://stephenvines.substack.com/

客席主持 Stephen Vines 是一位資深記者、作家和廣播人,曾在香港生活35年。他的Substack專欄每週更新 - https://stephenvines.substack.com/

00:00 Program Starts
02:20 One of Li Ka-shing's Trusted Lieutenants
08:18 Either-Or Questions
11:05 Murray comments on Hong Kong affairs

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