Quick 'n Easy Intonarumori

Описание к видео Quick 'n Easy Intonarumori

I made an intonarumori for extra credit in a music history II class at Columbia College Chicago. This design is my own interpretation and is not meant to exactly recreate Luigi Russolo's instruments. Besides, the people who spend a large portion of their life trying to perfect these things do not like to post good pictures of the guts. They also do not provide detailed information on string length, the method of string attachment to the pitch lever, or other useful tips for intonarumori building. At the time I shot this, my prof and I were having trouble keeping the pitch wheel from slipping because it was missing a proper nut to keep it from moving. I tried to prevent it with some random extra washers and an acorn nut I had on hand but it was no use. I needed a lock washer and a regular nut. I don't have this instrument in my possession anymore, but I will be happy to answer any questions or try to film more videos with it's other tone wheels if there is enough demand.


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