Appenino pop | Maurizio Carucci | TEDxRimini

Описание к видео Appenino pop | Maurizio Carucci | TEDxRimini

Riscoprire le radici di un territorio attraverso la fatica dell'agricoltura: l'incontro degli appennini liguri e il mare nel racconto di un'idea che concilia la vita e i ritmi della terra Walker, farmer and singer-songwriter in the Ex-Otago, he spends his life among vineyards, stages and paths.
Member of CAI, he is part of the trail commission and takes care of cleaning and maintaining the paths in his valley, the Val Borbera, where he lives and works.
Together with his partner in 2011 he founded Cascina Barbàn, a large, collective agricultural project, which is based on the recovery and natural cultivation of old varieties of vines, fruit and vegetables and on territorial development planning. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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