More Plants....Landrace Cannabis Botanical Garden 7/25/24

Описание к видео More Plants....Landrace Cannabis Botanical Garden 7/25/24

Quick peaks at a lot of really cool cannabis plants from around the world!

Orissa ~ India
Brazil Amazonia
Jamaica Blue Mountain
Waichin Lavender ~ India
Michoacan Red Hair ~ Mexico
Zacatecas ~ Mexico
Jalisco ~ Mexico
Sinaloa ~ Mexico
Maruf Red ~ Afghanistan
Pakistani 1970's
Isaan ~ Thailand

And a rare sighting of one of our crew members, Robbie - who is awesome! Zack, our other crew member is working the camera - they both rock!

We were doing a supplemental feeding on this day, because this has been an exceptionally hot summer, so the plants have been burning through the nutrients faster than usual... we often do not do any feedings all season, but this hot summer called for it... and we don't want any plants getting deficient as they are charging towards the begging of flowering in a few weeks.

- peace


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