25 C64 Games Made in 2022

Описание к видео 25 C64 Games Made in 2022

00:00 Mino Trace
00:30 Robo Jet Action
01:00 Terrestrial
01:30 Eye of the Beholder
02:00 Turdle
02:30 Duck Hunt
03:00 Petsci Giana Sisters
03:30 We are Stardust
04:00 Puzzle Bobble
04:30 The Empire strikes back
05:00 Santa´s workout 2
05:30 Poing Ultra
06:00 Pick n Mix
06:30 Lykia
07:00 Knights and Slimes
07:30 Jungle Joe
08:00 Cacorm
08:30 Bugs Inc
09:00 Tenebra 2
09:30 Munchkin
10:00 Orbital Rescue
10:30 Sub Chase
11:00 Apeshit
11:30 Knight Trap
12:00 Tasered in the Crotch


Mino Trace: https://drmortalwombat.itch.io/minotrace
Robo Jet Action : https://carrion64.itch.io/robot-jet-a...
Terrestrial: https://psytronik.itch.io/terrestrial
Eye of the Beholder: https://csdb.dk/release/index.php?id=...
Turdle: https://roysterini.itch.io/turdle64
Duck Hunt : https://csdb.dk/release/?id=226342
PETSCII Giana: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=216887
We are Stardust: https://megastyle.itch.io/we-are-star...
Puzzle Bobble: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=213965
Empire Strikes back: https://megastyle.itch.io/esb-by-mega...
Santa´s Workout 2 : https://vector5games.itch.io/santas-w...
Poing Ultra: https://richard-tnd.itch.io/poingultra
Pick n Mix : https://arlagames.itch.io/pik-n-mix
Lykia: https://psytronik.itch.io/lykia
Knights and Slimes : https://monteboyd.itch.io/knights-and...
Jungle Joe: https://vector5games.itch.io/jungle-joe
Cacorm: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=219166
Bugs Inc: https://darro99.itch.io/bugs-inc
Tenebra 2: https://h4plo.itch.io/tenebra-2
Munchkin: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=217475
Orbital Rescue: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=217327
Sub Chase: https://senkel64.itch.io/sub-chase-64
Apeshit : https://megastyle.itch.io/apeshit
Knight Trap :https://vector5games.itch.io/knight-trap
Tasered in the Crotch: https://richard-tnd.itch.io/taseredin...


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