Amiibo Shelf

Описание к видео Amiibo Shelf

Its been a little over a year, but I wasn't sitting on my ass! The arduino is now updated to work with all the amiibos visible (there were a LOT of memory issues to deal with), a rotating platform was included. The shelf was also stained and sealed. Finally there were some lights installed ;D.

Anyhow enjoy my collection and shelf :).

Edit May 2nd: Thank you all for the overwhelming response on the shelf! I wanted to respond to a couple of things at once. First off, I'm trying to read through all the comments. This includes those written here as well as on the reddit posts:
and finally on Kotaku:

(just note that my username on those sites are BerryAaku :P
CaliburLord is a reaaaaally old IGN I used to use)

I'm also trying to get to replying to all the comments, especially those that provided feedback. Please know that if I didn't respond to your specific message, I definitely did read it (and probably upvoted it)! Thank you so so much for all the positive responses!

Secondly, I wanted to isolate some of the feedback that I've received and will be addressing sometime in the future. The primary one is that the servo motor spins waaaay too fast and needs to be slowed down. Next the motor itself is too loud and takes away from the songs. I will definitely look into some of the suggestions made, though with my schedule coming up, this may be a super long term thing, and unfortunately it might be something that i might address YEARS from now...

Third, a LOT of people have been requesting a video with the guardian amiibo being spun LOL I will definitely put that video out sometime by next week.

Fourth, many people also want to see what happens when a non-smash amiibo is scanned. I had to get creative with the intro portions, and most of them are just sound clips of things that the characters might say (so for example a weird squishing sound for squidboy from Splatoon....). I know. It's weird. It's not perfect, but I love it :P. This is another thing that I might post by sometime next week (or the week after)

Finally, a lot of people were asking how to make this whole set up. I created a tutorial which I posted on a previous video that you can find here:
I hope some try making this and create other awesome projects like this one :).
Good luck and thank you once again to everyone that left any kind of response!


Информация по комментариям в разработке