English in a Minute: Change of Heart

Описание к видео English in a Minute: Change of Heart

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The expression “change of heart” sounds like a medical operation. But let’s listen to Dan and Anna, just to be sure.
A: Dan, how did your audition go? Did you get the part?
D: No. They told me I was perfect for the role.
A: Well then, what happened?
D: I guess the director had a change of heart. He felt that George Clooners is more handsome and talented than I am.
A: George Clooners is very talented and so handsome. Oh, but not as much as…as you!

We often make decisions based on how we feel in our heart. A “change of heart” is when we change our opinion or feelings about something. As a result, our decisions change, too.

Originally published at - https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a...


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