Ondskapt - IV(Draco Sit Mihi Dux)

Описание к видео Ondskapt - IV(Draco Sit Mihi Dux)


Style: Black Metal
Formed: In 2000
Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm

Full-length: Draco Sit Mihi Dux.

Ondskapt is merely an instrument of religious devil-worship, thus, the music and lyrics never would exist without the doctrinal as well as spiritual inversion of orthodox faith. anything beneficial for the ruin of life and happiness is to be glorified for the sake of our lord: murder, suicide, drugs, rape, war, incest, cannibalism, oppression, violence, corruption, fascism et cetera. the question to ask is not how far, the question to ask is the following: do you possess the depths in faith to go as far as it takes? to become one with him you must die inside. hence, your own will must be left behind!


The emotions I have with me as I run through this observing night are none
The light of life is not with me, far beyond it am I
I don't know where I am!

Deranged is my spirit, inhuman
Flesh of demons, horrible craft of Thee, Lucifer, rape my innocence
Strengthen the chains that bind me, they bind us beyond the grave

All ways are dimmed!
No, I won't die, but death is always with me
Limbs, limbs from Hell are upon me
I watch man's spirit, it falls so deep, my eyes are dry, and struck, moonlight

Deranged is my spirit, inhuman
Flesh of demons, horrible craft of Thee, Lucifer, rape my innocence
Strengthen the chains that bind me, they bind us beyond the grave

Father Fiend, Satan
Satan, your angels remove times unasketic, my memories
Trapped in trance, starvation, an eerie dance
Opening gates for pandemia!
The loss of all...


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