Aircraft Wire Arc Resistance Testing

Описание к видео Aircraft Wire Arc Resistance Testing

Lectromec has been involved in aerospace wire arc resistance testing for decades. If you would like a free newsletter that keeps you up to date with aerospace wire testing, go to This vintage video is originally from the late 1990s and was put together at the request of the National Transportation Safety Board. Technicians took wire insulation from a Boeing 747 and showed what can happen if subjected to liquids. A plane such as a 747 can have a wide range of liquids that can accidentally come in contact with wiring. Examples of liquids include cleaners, lavatory water, spilled beverages, and even condensation. The test in this video shows nicks in insulation and the impact of moisture. The damaged wire represents environmental aging or trauma to the aerospace electrical system.
   • Aircraft Wire Arc Resistance Testing  
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Below are more Lectromec videos
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A Brief Review of MIL-HDBK-525 – 14 minutes
In an attempt to reinforce the information provided in MIL-HDBK-525, Lectromec put together a series of articles explaining it. These articles have proven to be some of the most popular blogs Lectromec has written. If you would prefer a video “assist” in understanding the handbook, take a look at this video. It is a terrific breakdown of the seven enumerated tasks of MIL-HDBK-525, including 1. Data Analysis, 2. Maintenance Data, 3. Inspection, 4. Laboratory evaluation, 5. EWIS risk assessment, 6. Mitigation, and 7. Reassessment.
   • A Brief Review of MIL-HDBK-525  
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EWIS - Electrical Wire Risk Assessment - Part One – 10 minutes
{KEYWORD=Electrical Wire Risk Assessment}
After decades in the aerospace wire testing business, Lectromec has developed a software tool that helps facilitate the EWIS certification resulting from FAA regulations. This is the first of a two part series explaining the software tool. The video particularly focuses on regulation 25.1709 and discusses the means by which the EWIS Risk Assessment Tool (EWIS RAT) is able to result in certification.
   • Part One - EWIS - Aircraft Electrical...  
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EWIS - Electrical Wire Risk Assessment - Part Two – 8 minutes
This is the second part of the two part series explaining the Lectromec software tool that facilitates compliance to the Electronic Wire Interconnect Systems (EWIS) regulations needed to obtain FAA certification. This video details some of the reports that the EWIS Risk Assessment Tool (RAT) can provide. These include information on wire bundles, collocation, and a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It not only analyzes physical wire failures, but also the functional failure impact. In addition, it offers mitigation suggestions.
   • Part Two - EWIS -Aircraft  Electrical...  
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Aerospace Wire Arc Plume Filmed in High-Speed – 3 minutes
Many aerospace professionals who are involved in maintenance, repair, and operations have seen the results of aerospace wire arcing. The nearby equipment damaged during wire system failures, is normally called “collateral” damage. Seeing an aerospace wire arc plume “in the wild” is a challenging endeavor (and one most people try to avoid). It can occur so quickly that the human eye can miss it. Lectromec reenacted a wire failure and recorded it with a high-speed camera. From the perspective of an aerospace wiring engineer, this is three minutes of riveting action with ionized gas.
   • Aircraft Wire Arc Plume Filmed in Hig...  
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Aerospace Wire and Cable Developments – 33 minutes
The real title of this is “What’s hot and what’s not in aerospace wire and cable.” However, aerospace wiring engineers have an aversion to anything that is “hot,” except coffee. As a result, we have titled this video “Aerospace Wire and Cable Developments.” This video is a short summary of remarks made by Lectromec’s president Michael Traskos at a recent trade conference in China. He delves into the future for aerospace wire and cable, wire system assessment and degradation, and other topics. Also included are new aerospace wire and cable requirements, certification, and trends.
   • Aircraft Wire and Cable Application a...  
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EWIS – Aerospace Wire Testing and Combat Vulnerability – 12 minutes
When it comes to aerospace wire testing, we normally think of abrasion resistance, heat shock, and other concepts that are generally considered when we look at the “airworthiness” of aerospace wires. This vintage video was recorded in the mid-1980s, and takes a look at wire survivability in a combat situation. This video shows what happens when bullets hit aerospace wiring systems and the dangers of resetting circuit breakers. It is among the first videos that were created documenting the potential hazards of electrical arcing.


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