Deck Profile Time Stamp:
15:02 "Live★Twins have Abom"
KoG Deck List:

Replay Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:03 Sacred Beast
02:37 Raidraptor
04:50 Rokket
06:32 Nekroz Fleur
11:31 Tachyon
14:39 Fluffal
17:41 Tenyi
20:49 BEWD
24:34 Altergeist
27:07 BEWD Set 2 Pass Lmao
28:56 Outro

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Deck Review:
There are a couple of controversial choices I made when building this deck, namely cutting 1 copy of Lil-la in the main deck, and running 0 Rakea. Cutting Rakea to 0 is a simple case of too many conflicting normal summons for too little use in the Unchained Live★Twin hybrid. I always wanted Rakea to be something else in the hybrid, although it is mandatory in the pure deck.

My reasoning to cut 1 Lil-la is because 6 twins was just too many. Live★Twin has always had an issue with inconsistent hand quality in a 20c deck size, due to sometimes opening too many normal summons or not top decking a second one when you really need to. The Unchained part of the deck can carry its own weight in the rare case that you don't see any twins, so cutting 1 Lil-la is a great way to reduce the birthday paradox among the play sets in the deck. This is further justified by the reduction of Evil★Twins in the extra deck, since top decking a Live★Twin later on in the game would essentially be a dead card anyway without links to go into.

Deck Ratios:
Unchained Twins
- 3 copies no matter what
- 0 copies in Live★Twin
- 2-3 copies in pure
- 1 copy in Live★Twin
- 2 copies in pure

Unchained Soul
Abominable Unchained Soul:
- 1-2 copies in Live★Twin
- 2 copies in pure
Unchained Soul of Disaster:
- 1 copy no matter what

Unchained S/T
Abomination's Prison:
- 3 copies no matter what
Abominable Chamber of the Unchained:
- 2 copies in Live★Twin
- 3 copies in pure
Escape of the Unchained:
- 3 copies no matter what

This deck is compatible with Link Darkraze, Fiend Exchange, and Legend of The Heroes.

The advantages of this deck as a hybrid are that (1) although Live★Twin has traditionally lost to Veiler and Crow, Unchained does not particularly care about those hand traps, and (2) where Unchained would struggle against Skull Meister this format, Live★Twin remains unaffected. This allows you to put up some kind of an endboard through at least one hand trap, which is the bare minimum requirement to be able to play the game in the July 2024 format. Further synergy between the two arthetypes is seen in the significantly more substantial and resilient endboard it can put up, especially when uninterrupted.


Rage Unleashed, the Chaos Unchained!
There was once a Sorcerer living in a village that was roused with danger. Although they had access to magic, it was not enough for him to keep their village safe from evil. And so, the Sorcerer decided to go on a journey to empower themselves and make them strong enough to protect all. After their journey ended, they returned to the village as a being who has mastered the Taoist Arts. They've achieved immortality and true power. With this power, the Sorcerer used their soul to summon their Shikigami. Together, they eradicated all that threatened the village. None can oppose them, and they destroyed everything that dared to hurt the humans.
Once the dust settled, the people of the village were overjoyed, but alas it only lasted for a while before the villagers were filled with fear and anxiety. Soon, the people realized that this power can very well be used against them if the Sorcerer ever desired to do so. And so, they plotted to get rid of the Sorcerer once and for all. After all, without any threat is there any reason for them to stay? They led the Sorcerer into a dark chasm, shrouding their intentions with elation and praise. But when the Sorcerer dropped their guard, the people sealed him away forever. The villagers hoped that the Sorcerer would be kept in the cage until their dying days, but alas, that wasn't the case.
Countless years passed, and before long, the soul of the Sorcerer was stained with evil, as they became driven by their resentment to the world and all who lived in it. With nothing but their mind to keep them company, the Sorcerer had only one thought.
Destroy. All. Humans. Don't. Spare. A Single. Soul.

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