CNN The Last Heart Attack

Описание к видео CNN The Last Heart Attack

In this 2011 CNN special, Dr. Sajay Gupta spends a year investigating the causes of rampant heart disease in America, and offers some of the key lessons that he learns. As he says: “Things that you need to know, things that your doctor may not be telling you.”

The evidence is overwhelming, he finds, that if people make the right choices and doctors properly inform their patients, that we can rid the country of the biggest killer of men and women in the country. Among his interviewees are Bill Clinton, who talked candidly about how lucky he was that he didn’t die of a heart attack. The show also follows the story of Tom Bear, 53, thin and seemingly healthy, a man who was “ a case of what you see on the outside doesn't always match the inside." He was "one step short of a heart attack."

Dr. Gupta interviews Dr. Ornish about his experience working with Bill Clinton as a consulting physician.

Learn more on how comprehensive lifestyle changes through the Ornish Program can prevent or even reverse heart disease:


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