SEAL Team CBS | Navy SEAL Rates Scenes | Jason Pike | 2021

Описание к видео SEAL Team CBS | Navy SEAL Rates Scenes | Jason Pike | 2021

In this video I break down scenes from different episodes of SEAL Team CBS. This TV show is produced by former Team guys and have former SEALs that work with the actors.

Disclaimer: In Hollywood there are things that must happen to appeal to the eye and then there are real world tactics. It it extremely hard to be 100% tactical in a movie and it remain enticing to the human brain.

There is no way I have the ability to understand everything happening on scene, or in the directors mind, therefore I do the best I can with consideration to my experience and time as a SEAL, the tactics taught now to SEAL Teams, and what I teach in my training. There is a baseline of tactics and then we adapt on the fly.

Overall the show appears to be really legit and I cannot wait to sit down with Season 1!

Have a great day and God bless,

Jason Pike
Frogman Tactical



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