
Описание к видео 十年倒车!三中全会能开出个啥?

Friends, hello everyone. Today is Saturday, July 6, 2024. Welcome to this episode of Internal Perspective on China. The Third Plenary Session is about to open, and many friends have high expectations for it. I have always told them that the current political situation consists of an obedient Central Committee and an obedient Central Politburo, rendering the plenary session insignificant. Such a Central Committee will only sing praises for the leader’s every decision, whether right or wrong, and cheer "Long live." Many friends say that compared to the era of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao over a decade ago, there has been a significant regression. Others say that compared to that era, there has been significant progress. So, has there been progress or regression?

From May 5, 2010, to January 4, 2023, I was in prison. After being released, I have spent a year and a half observing and reflecting. "Seven days in the cave are like a thousand years outside." This period, totaling 14 and a half years, can be referred to as a decade for simplicity. Regarding the changes over these ten years, my personal experience has been intense, and today I would like to share a bit with you. Agree or disagree, it doesn’t matter; you are welcome to leave comments. I never aimed to become a big influencer, just sharing thoughts together. Please use civilized language and speak freely to avoid getting posts deleted.

In summary, from my strong personal feelings, overall, the past decade has seen significant regression in multiple areas of the CCP's policy execution and actual effects compared to ten years ago. Political centralization and suppression of dissent have led to a decline in social vitality. The uncertainty of economic policies has increased market risks, causing a lack of market confidence and economic enthusiasm. The comprehensive economic and social crisis brought about by changes in social psychology is approaching. Formalism and bureaucracy in social governance have exacerbated grassroots problems. Tension and isolation in international relations have intensified external challenges. These regressions have affected China's overall development and international standing to varying degrees.

In such a political atmosphere, how can we have any expectations for the Third Plenary Session? I believe any form of expectation is an unrealistic fantasy. I have to say, China's future is facing increasing risks of collapse and disintegration. Everyone, take care; let's wait and see.


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