How to Install and Configure OPNsense Firewall on Hyper-V in Windows

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How to Install and Configure OPNsense Firewall on Hyper-V in Windows

👉 Download OPNsense:
To download, select as follows:
✅ Architecture: AMD64
✅ Select the image type:: DVD
✅ Mirror Location: Select the server closest to you.

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📌 Firewall tutorials

✳️ pfSense Firewall

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👉 How to Install and Configure pfSense Firewall on Virtualbox:    • How to Install and Configure pfSense ...  

👉 How to Install and Configure pfSense Firewall on Hyper-V:    • How to Install and Configure pfSense ...  

👉 How to Install and Configure pfSense Firewall on GNS3: updating

👉 How to Configure VPN Site-to-Site IPsec Tunnel in pfSense: updating

✳️ OPNSense Firewall

👉 Limit Internet Bandwidth for Download and Upload on OPNsense Firewall:    • OPNsense - Limit Internet Bandwidth f...  

👉 How to Install and Configure OPNSense Firewall on VMware Workstation:    • How to Install and Configure OPNsense...  

👉 How to Install and Configure OPNSense Firewall on Virtualbox:    • How to Install and Configure OPNsense...  

👉 How to Install and Configure OPNSense Firewall on Hyper-V:    • How to Install and Configure OPNsense...  

👉 How to Install and Configure OPNSense Firewall on GNS3: updating

✳️ FortiGate Firewall

👉 How to Install and Configure FortiGate Firewall on VMware Workstation: updating

👉 How to Install and Configure FortiGate Firewall on Virtualbox: updating

👉 How to Install and Configure FortiGate Firewall on Hyper-V: updating

👉 How to Install and Configure FortiGate Firewall on GNS3: updating

📌 OPNsense features

✳️ Dashboard
OPNsense offers a dashboard feature to quickly check the status of your OPNsense Firewall.Shown is the latest version with drag and drop multi collumn support.

✳️ Modern User Interface
✅ The modern user interface offers a great user experience with multi language support, built-in help and quick navigation with the searchbox.
✅ Shown is the fast search navigation option.

✳️ Stateful Firewall
A stateful firewall is a firewall that keeps track of the state of network connections (such as TCP streams, UDP communication) traveling across it.

✳️ Aliases & GeoLite Country Database
Managing firewall rules have never been this easy. By using Aliases you can group mulitple IP's or Host into one list, to be used in firewall rules. Additionally IP or Hostnames can be fetched from external URLs, examples are DROP (Do Not Route Or Peer),'s Ransomware tracker and the built-in Maxmind GeoLite2 Country database.

✳️ Traffic Shaper
Traffic shaping within OPNsense is very flexible and is organised around pipes, queues and corresponding rules. The pipes define the allowed bandwidth, the queues can be used to set a weight within the pipe and finally the rules are used to apply the shaping to a certain package flow. The shaping rules are handled independently from the firewall rules and other settings.

✳️ Two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication also known as 2FA or 2-Step Verification is an authentication method that requires two components, such as a pin/password + a token.
Supported 2FA services include:

✅ OPNsense Graphical User Interface
✅ Captive Portal
✅ Virtual Private Networking - OpenVPN & IPsec
✅ Caching Proxy

✳️ Captive Portal
Captive Portal allows you to force authentication, or redirection to a click through page for network access. This is commonly used on hot spot networks, but is also widely used in corporate networks for an additional layer of security on wireless or Internet access.OPNsense offer most enterprise features including Radius and voucher support.

✳️ Virtual Private Network - IPsec & OpenVPN GUI
OPNsense offers a wide range of VPN technologies ranging from modern SSL VPN’s to well known IPsec as well as older (now considered insecure) legacy options such as L2TP and PPTP. Site-to-Site and road warrior setups are possible and with the integrated OpenVPN client exporter, the client can be configured within minutes. Looking for a IPsec or OpenVPN GUI, you just found something better!

✳️ High Availability / Hardware Failover (CARP).

✳️ Caching Proxy

✳️ Intrusion Detection & Prevention

✅ Integrated support for ET Open rules.
✅ Integrated SSL Blacklist (SSLBL)
✅ Intergrated Feodo Tracker

✳️ SSL Finger Printing

✳️ Backup & Restore
Better safe than sorry, always keep an up to date backup of your configuration. It’s easy with OPNsense.
✅ History
✅ Backup
✅ Restore
✅ Cloud Backup
✳️ Reporting & Monitoring
OPNsense offers many options for reporting and monitoring the system, these include:
✅ System Health
✅ Netflow Exporter
✅ Insight - Intergrated Netflow Analyser

✳️ Firmware & Plugins
✳️ Free Up-to-Date Online Manual


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