Ultimate Training Aid Maintenance

Описание к видео Ultimate Training Aid Maintenance

This video discusses the Ultimate Training Aid for pool players. It covers how to adjust the difficulty, repair or replace the elastic band, and maintain the unit for long-lasting use.

Timestamped Highlights

🎯 Introduction to the Ultimate Training Aid for pool players
🛠️ Steps to replace the elastic band using toothpicks and knots
🔧 Adjusting the difficulty level by spacing the rods with spacers
🔩 Protecting the Ultimate Training Aid screw holes by using the same thread for the screws to prevent damage
🔍 Importance of the Ultimate Training Aid for improving pool skills
🧱 Features and accuracy of the Ultimate Training Aid
👍 Easy maintenance and adjustability of the Ultimate Training Aid for personalized use

Key Insights

- 🎯 The Ultimate Training Aid is designed to help pool players improve their skills and their understanding of a Pool Cue's performance.
- 🛠️ Repairing or replacing the elastic band is a simple process that requires toothpicks and knots to ensure the rod returns to the center.
- 🔧 Adjusting the difficulty level can be done by spacing the rods with different-sized spacers, allowing players to customize the challenge.
- 🔩 Understanding how to use the same thread for the screws prevents damage to the holes and ensures long-term durability.
- 🔍 The Ultimate Training Aid offers a unique opportunity to learn and improve pool skills by practicing shots with precision and accuracy.
- 🧱 The device features tight tolerances and precise measurements, providing players with an accurate representation of real gameplay.
- 👍 The Ultimate Training Aid is easy to maintain and adjust, making it a valuable tool for pool players of all skill levels.

How to adjust and maintain the Ultimate Training Aid.

This is a Training Aid we developed that can help anyone learn to play pool much better at any level.
The first two things to learn is what does straight really look like and can I hit the middle of the Cue Ball. This Training Aid will help you master these two basics which are the most important basics to start with. All shots stem from these two fundamentals. Two of the biggest benefits of this Training Aid is the ability to know how much you were left or right not just that you were left or right and there are no electronics, it is totally manual and should last a lifetime. Many Training Aids are electronic and simply tell you left or right but knowing by how much you were off center allows you to adjust properly for you needs. The three hanging rods pivot in all directions equally and their movement indicates how much you you were off center or maybe you were clean through the two outside rods.
It is also easily adjustable for difficulty from beginner to exactly the width of a cue ball.

We are two people who have decided to look into Back Hand English (BHE) and can it be mastered. We now call it "Pivot English" since it includes Front Hand English (FHE) and sometimes a combination of both. Back Hand English is extremely Bridge dependent and cannot be mastered without understanding where to bridge for different shots. We also have videos to help learn this.

We started out trying to find Bridge Points of a pool shaft using various shot criteria. Where should I bridge for a shot that has the cue ball 2 diamonds from the object ball and using a medium weight or 3 diamonds distance with hard weight etc. To this end we developed the "Ultimate Training Aid" and It worked amazing for this purpose but we also discovered that it is amazing for so much more. It will help learn billiards using any style of play.


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