CHUB LOVE SLUGS! - Afternoon River Roving in OVERCAST conditions...Jul 2023

Описание к видео CHUB LOVE SLUGS! - Afternoon River Roving in OVERCAST conditions...Jul 2023

Join me on a quick afternoons River fishing in overcast weather using trotting & free-line tactics. It took me a while to finally find the bigger fish but when I did to action was awesome!
I was delighted to catch on an old favourite bait of mine the SLUG.... Chub really do love these especially in the early months of the season with the big Black ones being the best. Get out there & give them a try..
It was noticeable that the Low light & overcast conditions after a few sunny days really seemed to turn the fish on the feed & I think I would of caught plenty more if I stayed longer...
Hope you enjoy folks & thanks for tuning in again , all the best YRR....


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