The 9 Month Bestseller Blueprint

Описание к видео The 9 Month Bestseller Blueprint

Hey there, aspiring author!

Wait, wait, don’t tell us. You’ve got a book idea brewing and are eager to transform it into a bestseller. You know that what you have to say has the potential to elevate your business, earn you passive income, and finally get you started on that creative career you’ve always dreamed of.

If that describes you, you’re in the right place!

The 9 Month Bestseller Blueprint covers all the steps you need to publish a book quickly and with maximum success.

Month 1: Discover and Define Your Niche
Month 2: Build Your Audience and Platform
Month 3: Draft Your Book Outline
Month 4: Write the First Draft
Month 5: Research Publishing Options
Month 6: Revise and Edit
Month 7: Design and Format Your Book
Month 8: Prepare for Launch
Month 9: Launch and Celebrate

The best plan for your book is the one that brings you fulfillment and keeps you excited about sharing your work and inspired to continue creating. We hope this blueprint and our related materials are helpful for you!

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