The Talking Dead; Talqin in the Grave: Listen and Understand - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

Описание к видео The Talking Dead; Talqin in the Grave: Listen and Understand - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

Do the dead hear?
Why do we recite talqin?
The Prophet talking to the dead in Badr
Ability of the souls to listen and comprehend
Imam Ali talking to the dead in Jamal
The Prophet talking to Bibi Fatima
Why is the talqin recited in Arabic?

"There is a body and a soul. The soul is the main power. When a person is deceased, nothing from the physical body diminishes. There was something there that is no more there."

"Seperation of the body and the soul is not total and immediate. Although its seperated, it is still in proximity of the body. You are talking to the body, but you are addressing the soul."

"How can the dead hear the Talqin?"


Thursday Night Majlis
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: March 20th, 2014


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