WE MADE IT TO 500 SUBSCRIBERS 🎉 🎉 | Outre Breanne

Описание к видео WE MADE IT TO 500 SUBSCRIBERS 🎉 🎉 | Outre Breanne

#outrebreannereview #outre #breanne

Hey all here I bring an absolute beaut from Outre's Melted Hairline Collection and boy she is a stunner. Specs are norm frontal effect hairline 2X5 deluxe wide lace part with HD transparent lace. I grabbed her in the colour DRFF2/CHERRY RED honestly she is a must.

Search in google the name to find the best place to buy her!

Links to Deanna Monet's video

Link to Wigs2WaistLength's video
   • Wait.. $37? || How Is She Synthetic?!...  

Link to Kie Rashon's video
   • 😱 Under $40 Outre Melted Hairline Bre...  

🎉 🎉 For giveaway please tell me what you are looking forward to this year with all this doom and gloom 🎉 🎉

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5. Anyone can enter but if outside the UK you will have to cover the postage

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Facebook DeeDee Hair ❤️
Instagram deedeehair20 ❤️

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Link to lashes

​​💜I am an ambassador for a plus size clothing company check them out and use my discount code DENISE10💜

Contact details
[email protected]


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