3 Myths About Cerebral Palsy - Webinar

Описание к видео 3 Myths About Cerebral Palsy - Webinar

Suitable for all audience with an interest in cerebral palsy.

Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center's (WFCPC)'s Executive Director and Research Director, Jason B. Carmel MD, PhD unpacks 3 common myths about cerebral palsy and explains them through the latest science. He discusses genetics and progression of cerebral palsy, and the treatment roadmap based on our center's research and that done in the field.

Hosted by the WFCPC's Social Worker Minnelly Vasquez, LCSW, this is part of the center's 2023 Health and Wellness Seminar Series

Dr. Carmel is a child neurologist and motor system neuroscientist. He is the Director of the WFCPC's Movement Recovery Laboratory which investigates the function and repair of the central nervous system.

The Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center is a part of Columbia Orthopedics. Through comprehensive medical care, research and education programs, we aim to expand knowledge of cerebral palsy and access to care across the life span.



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