|| किन खाने फापर ? के-के पोषणतत्व पाइन्छ || फापरमा पाइने गुणकारी तत्वहरु || common buckwheat ||

Описание к видео || किन खाने फापर ? के-के पोषणतत्व पाइन्छ || फापरमा पाइने गुणकारी तत्वहरु || common buckwheat ||

|| किन खाने फापर ? के-के पोषणतत्व पाइन्छ || फापरमा पाइने गुणकारी तत्वहरु || common buckwheat || "buckwheat" is also used for a number of other speciesThe name "buckwheat" or "beech wheat" comes from its triangular seeds, which resemble the much larger seeds of the beech nut from the beech tree, and the fact that it is used like wheat.|| ashim sapkota ||एक रिपोर्टका अनुसार एक कप फापरमा ४.५ ग्राम फाइबर पाइन्छ।Common buckwheat was domesticated and first cultivated in inland Southeast Asia, possibly around 6000 BCE, and from there spread to Central Asia and Tibet, and then to the Middle East and Europe. Domestication most likely took place in the western Yunnan region of China


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