17 year old Single Mother harvesting Na, the sadness of a Wife abandoned by her Husband...

Описание к видео 17 year old Single Mother harvesting Na, the sadness of a Wife abandoned by her Husband...

Content Video: 17 year old Single Mother harvesting Na, the sadness of a Wife abandoned by her Husband...

This video tells the emotional story of a young woman who became a single mother at the age of 17.
Life is difficult and difficult when raising children alone.
The image of a mother working hard and struggling to harvest custard apple in the rain makes viewers feel sad.
Besides, the video also reveals the sadness of a young wife when her husband abandoned her and had to carry the family on her weak shoulders.
The video opens with the image of a young woman picking custard apple in the rain.
Through the woman's story, we learn about the family's difficult situation.
Her husband left, leaving her alone with her young child.
All family burdens fall heavily on the young woman's shoulders.
She had no other choice, she had to earn a living herself to raise her children.
The image of a woman stooping to pick custard apples in the rain makes viewers feel sad.
Despite the difficulties and hardships, the young woman is always optimistic and loves her children.
She hopes to be able to give her children a better life.

- My mother and my child's life after being kicked out of the house, I recorded a video myself to post on YouTube, I hope everyone will support me and my child... thank you very much everyone.


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