TRANSGENDER | Male to Female - transition timeline

Описание к видео TRANSGENDER | Male to Female - transition timeline

updated verison: I was born November 28,1991 in Watkinsville, Georgia as a male. Over the`years I knew something wasn't "right" and as I got older I found out who I was. So I made this video to show who I am and to show other fellow transgender brother and sisters that it gets better with time and everything will be okay! :)

snapchat | instagram: @chrissyrenaee

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keep it cute or get cut

Hi my name is Chrissy! I'm a filmmaker that likes to create skits, vlogs/blogs, silly challenges and random rants on how I feel about things that are going on around me. So to make sure you don't miss a new video please subscribe to my channel for notifications.

#transgender #transition #maletofemale #sexchange #throwback #hormone #timeline


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