SIFU CLIFF AU YEUNG - WING CHUN - The Five Bows and Biomechanics

Описание к видео SIFU CLIFF AU YEUNG - WING CHUN - The Five Bows and Biomechanics
The Five Bows. (springs)
We have two springs in the knees (legs) we have two springs in the elbows (arms) and we have a big spring in the spine (waist). This concept is used in all Chinese Martial Arts.
The opening section in SNT sets these five springs or bows. This must be a fundamental principle as it comes right at the beginning of all your training. You must sit into your stance whilst doing your forms training. These springs should be flexible. If you have stiff bows in the arms then you will only be able to release the force using the shoulder. It may be good for protection but doesn't allow you to absorb and give out forces. And if you have stiff knees or you pull the knees inwards it will allow the reaction force to get stuck. If you lock the limbs you not have enough power or structure to give and receive force, if you have too much give in the bows then you will get tired or even injured. So, the knees should be flexible. And just like the knees so should the arms, not dissimilar to a western boxer.
Wong Shun Leung Through My Eyes by Sifu Cliff Au Yeung
Sifu Cliff Au Yeung is the Principal Instructor at the Ving Tsun Martial Arts Institute in Hong Kong and Co-Founder of the Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Kuen Hok Association of Canada. He began his Ving Tsun training under the late Sifu Wong Shun Leung who was the disciple of Ip Man (Yip Gai-Man); a master teacher of many students including one of the most famous, Bruce Lee. Wong Shun Leung Through My Eyes is a journey into Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun and chronicles some of the intimate details of Sifu Cliff Au Yeung's martial arts life, including his insights about Ip Man (Yip Gai-Man) and Bruce Lee. Do you want to start your journey into Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun? If you are teaching WSL Ving Tsun, do you understand Sifu Cliff Au Yeung's martial arts experience? This book was written to give you that unique insight.
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At HVT UK we are interested in only in three things:
1. Teaching authentic Wing Chun.
2. Understanding and applying real-world self-protection, including soft and hard skills.
3. Having fun, forming friendships and enhancing lives.
How do we achieve this?
1. I have studied under Sifu Alan Gibson for over 15 years and under Sifu Cliff Au Yeung for around 5 years. In this time, I have devoted my time to understanding the Wing Chun method from a technical perspective with emphasis on how to teach the system correctly and systematically. I only teach the Sifu Cliff Au Yeung method in my class.
2. My influences of real-world self-protection come from many influences such as Lee Morrison, Jamie Clubb, Iain Abernethy, Ritchie Grannon, and many others. Over the last 20 years I have attended countless seminars, workshops and classes with some of the UK’s leading exponents of Combatives and Reality Based Self-Protection systems.
3. At HVT UK we welcome everyone. As long as you train hard, listen, be polite and aim to improve yourself with each lesson taken, you will become one of our family. I honestly believe that Wing Chun is a life enhancing activity and one that keeps your mind and body healthy.
What we don’t do?
1. Teach any kind of competition or sport fighting.
Why no sport fighting?
1. I have no experience in sport or competition fighting, either as a fighter or a coach.
2. It is my personal belief that Wing Chun works best as a self-protection system. The only reason that myself or one of my students will be using what we learn in class will be to protect ourselves or others from non-consensual violence. This will not be a fighting situation. Just a one-sided, asymmetric, pre-emptive or counter assault.
3. Sport fighting does not address real-life self-protection aspects such as threat awareness, fear control, adrenal response, post violence aftermath, first aid. We take all of these subjects and more very seriously at HVT UK.



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