Squad 44 has the best armored gameplay of 2023

Описание к видео Squad 44 has the best armored gameplay of 2023

So glad this game got bought up by OWI. It deserves to succeed.
Also the name change is a bit weird right?

00:00 - Panzer 4 H Start
00:42 - Arriving at the Front
01:16 - Defending Near Objective
04:32 - On Foot
05:44 - Regrouping
07:21 - Another Panzer H
08:01 - Leaving Main
08:39 - Getting Spawn Camped
10:17 - Chasing Enemy Recon
11:00 - Engaging Enemy Recon
16:16 - Sherman Firefly Start
16:48 - We are Bigger Than You
17:13 - Rolling Armor
20:00 - Ammo Racking A Panther
23:31 - Put out the Fire!
25:21 - Repairing the Firefly then Puma Shows Up
27:30 - Another Panther Kill
30:48 - Respawn and Regroup
31:03 - Defend and Repair
32:59 - Finally Notice the Panther
34:11 - Locating the Panther
34:59 - Double Panthers
36:43 - German Astronaut Program
36:49 - Invisible Panther
37:16 - Hunter Panzer IV
39:17 - Another Panzer
39:58 - Another Puma
41:13 - Regroup and Repair
42:19 - Random Teamkiller
43:57 - Explosion!!!
44:18 - Combined Push
44:41 - Hidden Panzer H
48:22 - Killing the Panzer H
50:05 - Stug and Puma
53:16 - That Has to Hurt...
53:21 - Defending Until the End


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