Minecraft PS4 Edition (Version 1.00) - Exposed Stronghold World Seed

Описание к видео Minecraft PS4 Edition (Version 1.00) - Exposed Stronghold World Seed

Earlier today I started up another survival world in Minecraft and ended up getting this seed. One that by sheer god damn luck, happens to have a staircase leading down into the stronghold exposed at surface level. 99.99% of the time, they're of course completely concealed underground, where you'd need eyes of ender to locate one. Rarely you'll get really lucky and stumble upon one accidently while mining, not even trying to find it. This tends to happen more frequently on Legacy Console Edition like I'm on, if you set the world size to classic. Given you're playing the PS4 or Xbox One editions, which sets the world size to just over 860x860 blocks like on the previous gen PS3 and Xbox 360 counterparts as they have no world size option due to hardware limitations. Even more rarely will you find part of a stronghold exposed though, and usually when that happens it tends to be at the bottom of the ocean where such an event would be more likely. But to find part of a stronghold exposed on surface level on land is a whole new level of rare.

In my 8½ years of playing Minecraft thus far, this is a big first for me. Here I made a replica of the world I ended up loading into earlier today by entering the same seed number and rushed over to where the exposed stronghold was, which is fairly close to spawn too. And even better, once you’re in you don’t have to go far to find the end portal. Though you’ll still need 11 eyes to fill in the portal so it’s not a speedrun seed. There is an ender pearl in a chest nearby that can help. Plus, if you make a nether portal by the exposed staircase, you should spawn right by the fortress to help you get your blaze rods, and there is a lava pool nearby you can use if you know the bucket trick to make your portal. Also in the chest in the library across from the end portal is, believe it or not, FIVE sharpness 4 enchanted books. It’s important to note that I’m playing on version 1.00, so you’ll have to be on at least a very early version of the game to have this work.


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