THE WALKING DEAD Season 11 Ending Explained Breakdown | Full Episode 24 Finale Review & Predictions

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THE WALKING DEAD Season 11 Ending Explained Breakdown | Full Episode 24 Finale Review & Predictions. The Season Finale for The Walking Dead is now upon us and the 12-year-long journey that began back in 2010 is officially over. In this video, we’re gonna be doing a Walking Dead for Dummies breakdown that should cover everything you need to know about the ending. We break down the ending and explain where that leaves things with Dead City, Daryl Dixon and the Rick & Michonne shows and what we can expect from these brand-new spin-offs, which will be continuing the story. lots to get into so let's jump right in!

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Ok so the end of the Walking Dead is now upon us and the 12 year long journey that began back in 2010 is officially over. Chances are that a lot of you loved the show at some point but you dropped off along the way and are back to see what happened and whether it’s worth checking out.

Well throughout this video we’re gonna be doing a Walking Dead for Dummies breakdown that should cover everything you need to know about the ending. Full spoilers ahead from here on out so if you don’t want to know what it entrails then I highly recommend that you turn off now. Click the thumbs up button if you think the breakdown is Gravey and make sure you subscribe for videos like this every day.

With that out the way, thanks for clicking this, I’m your host Paul now let’s get into the Walking Dead.

Now interestingly the Walking Deads end doesnt end with a Walking Dead End. The series breathes new life into things to come and we see Rick and Michonne setting up their own spin-off series which is due to start filming next month. The ending sort of acts as a trailer for that with it teasing what’s to come. I’ll talk about this more in just a bit but we start off with Daryl carrying Judith into a hospital sort of last of us style with Joel and Ellie. The first episode of The Walking Dead of course had a major moment where Rick woke up in one and the series is sort of coming full circle from there. The characters are either there or desperate to get there and returning to a location like this was sort of like poetry they rhyme.

Incase you’re not fully uip to speed with where the common wealth is this was basically a recreation of life before the outbreak and it had all the characters saying we live in a society run by corrupt politicians and a family that controls everything. Led by Pamela milton she ended up unleashing a zombie hoarde which put the citizens into lockdown. No prizes for guessing what that’s a reference too. This through everything into chaos and this episode very much becomes about taking her down and freeing the citizens of the commonwealth.


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