↳ but I don't miss.

Описание к видео ↳ but I don't miss.

« first they incite the violence and then they invite the silence »

violence, guns, mention of PTSD, jokes about PTSD, jokes about guns and PTSD -- I advise you just don't watch if you're not familiar with this character. idc

↳ Subtitles available
↳ Apologies for the audio, and the whole messy editing, and terrible quality.


i wish the show had delved more deeply into tim and his past and into his mindset as a veteran- at least gave us some more clues as to his time in the service. raylan's question "that ever happen to you?" in episode 2! of season 1! remains unanswered. what we see is someone who is extremely competent and professional but whom I would hesitate to call well-adjusted. working a job that - were it not for the fact that it allows him to put his training and his highly specific skill set to (good) use - he doesn't seem to enjoy all that much ... ?

i mean, the whole "i don't miss speech" is yes, extremely cool - also lowkey sad because he's really out there saying, i have asbolutely no other talents except shooting people with an incredibly high degree of precision and little to no feelings involved. his whole attitude is this blend of competence and self-deprecating sarcasm that i find quite fascinating. king of deadpan delivery and laconic wit! king of deflecting! king of being right. the cars did have explosives.

im not saying the show didn't comment on post-combat life and the failures of the american military industrial complex - it did so a little bit with boyd, and a little more with colton in s4, and tangentially with the mercenaries in s6 - but tim was kinda the avatar for that thematic thread and i just wished they'd invested more time on him

idk why i'm blabbering, this is for the four people who are interested and love tim.


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