Solo Playing Mothership 1E w/Man Alone (Pound of Flesh + Dead Planet + Everything in the Deluxe Set)

Описание к видео Solo Playing Mothership 1E w/Man Alone (Pound of Flesh + Dead Planet + Everything in the Deluxe Set)

Called out by ‪@TheZabbiemaster‬, Man Alone decides to play Mothership. We start with a discussion on Mothership, which does not get nearly enough play on solo channels as it should. Go over some of the tools available and how we are going to use the many treats and tricks available in the boxset. Around 45 minutes I get into play, and make it into about two rooms before getting myself in a "sticky" situation. I used just about every trick in the book, including randomly adding a flamethrower to my arsenal when I needed it most. Did it help? Watch to find out! (no.)

If you would also like me to review your game, please fill out this form:
Submit your idea for my brand new contest for your chance to win a copy of the Mothership Core Set (or at least be included in the final product) of "The Dumbest Solo Oracle Ever" competition! Just write the most ridiculous, absurd, moronic idea here.

Examples I came up with:
"The Ham has Appeared"
"Oh's Robert!"

All subscribers can make one submission, "Best Friend Lvl" members can submit twice, and "Seal Team Waffle Alpha" Members can make THREE submissions:

IF we get enough submissions, you could see YOUR IDEA on the final product and we'll get it printed so you can buy it for yourself!
Be sure to check out my NEW Dragonbane Solo Supplement available now on DrivethruRPG:

Join this channel to get access to perks (including a WEEKLY podcast published on YT for Members ONLY and - soon - a brand new soloRPG discord!!) as well as UNBELIEVABLE emojis:    / @amanisalone  

Or click the join button at:
/ @amanisalone

Like what you see here? Subscribe now!! But wait…

…Do you…really like what you see? Why not become a member? For only $3.99/month you can be a part of Seal Team Waffle Alpha! That includes access to our weekly podcast with Man Alone and friends, member’s only posts, and - coming soon - a member’s only discord! Click "Join" below the video to...join BUTHAT'SNOTALL!!

PLUS: If you become a Seal Team Waffle Alpha Member between now and November 1st, you can get 40% off the solo supplement!!! That’s 4 dollars for those of you who - like me - suck at math (and have other use the little calculator program to calculate the tip at the end of a meal). So for $3.99 you get $4.00 off!! Wait a minute…that’s LOCO!!! That means I’m basically GIVING AWAY a WHOLE PENNY to every new member!! CALL THE ACCOUNTANT POLICE!!

Join by clicking "Join" Button below this ‪@amanisalone‬ video (may have to do on desktop for iPhone users) or clicking here: / @amanisalone

Links to a few of my soloRPG tools I use often and other things I like:
Fate Mill, Nuul Dice, Dyadic D20 by ‪@towerhousecreative4663‬:

The Solo Roleplayer’s Podcast (I was on the first ep!) by ‪@SosKaid‬:

Alone Against Nyarlathotep by Lee Wade (w/‪@ChaosiumInc‬):

Bilge by Neon Rot:

Hexcrawlers Guide to…by ‪@druidichabit9181‬:
My ‪@DriveThruRPGs‬ games/supplements page:

Thank you

Intro and Exit music provided by Youtube Creator Music Studio
Amazing Chiptune background music by Alex McCulloch, whose amazing PUBLIC DOMAIN music can be found here:


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