Ramsko Jezero ( Rama Lake ) Drone , Bosnia And Herzegovina 4K

Описание к видео Ramsko Jezero ( Rama Lake ) Drone , Bosnia And Herzegovina 4K

More videos: https://youtube.com/user/gram3k?sub_c...

Rama Lake is an artificial lake in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was created in 1968 by the construction of a dam on the Rama River for the storage of the Rama Hydroelectric Power Plant. The maximum length is 12 kilometers, the area is about 1500 ha, the greatest depth is about 95 meters, while the water oscillations are up to 55 meters.

The lake is surrounded by the mountain range of Raduša, Makljena, Ljubuša and Vrana. Here is the beginning of the Adriatic basin, the water is very clean and clear. The main tributary is the Rama River, which springs from two strong springs southwest of the Varvara settlement.


Više snimaka na: https://youtube.com/user/gram3k?sub_c...

Ramsko jezero je vještačko jezero u Bosni i Hercegovini. Nastalo je 1968. godine izgradnjom brane na rijeci Rami za potrebe akumulacije Hidroelektrane Rama. Maksimalna dužina je 12 kilometara, površina oko 1500 ha, najveća dubina oko 95 metara, dok su oscilacije vode i do 55 metara

Jezero okružuje planinski vijenac Raduše, Makljena, Ljubuše i Vrana. Ovdje se nalazi početak Jadranskog sliva, voda je veoma čista i bistra. Glavni dotok je rijeka Rama, koja izvire iz dva jaka vrela jugozapadno od naselja Varvare.

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Cinematic Angelical Upeat Ambient by MusicLFiles
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/7213-cinema...
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://cemmusicproject.wixsite.com/m...


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