House of Memories gcmv |ft. the Afton family| • |gcmv| ⚠️blood, death and spoiler warning

Описание к видео House of Memories gcmv |ft. the Afton family| • |gcmv| ⚠️blood, death and spoiler warning

Yes, yes I know what you're thinking: "MoOnTaLe, 2 ViDeOs Of FnAf In A rOw, YoU'rE nOt BeCoMiNg A fNaF gAcHaTuBeR aRe YoU?"
No, no I'm not I promise😅
I just thought this song fitted perfectly with the story of the Afton family, so yeah.

I know that some things might not be canon, (like ms. Afton, who is called Clara in this gcmv and who possesses Ballora) but otherwise I couldn't really do anything with her. So yeah, I'm sorry if things aren't canon or how you like it. But I mean, you didn't have to watch this video, so if you don't like it that's not my problem. 🤷‍♀️

I also hope that it's clear to you what's happening, if not you can ask.

(also, I didn't add my intro and outro, because from now on I'm not going to add them to memes/gcmv because reasons)

(also also, I swear I'm still working on my dangaronpa, it's just hard to and make my danganronpa, and make other content, and do my schoolwork)

okkkkk that was everything


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