Q&A - Microsoft Software Engineer

Описание к видео Q&A - Microsoft Software Engineer

Answering all your questions from the Discord Channel:
Discord:   / discord  

0:00 - Intro
0:57 - How did you start programming?
1:30 - Difference between SWE and CS?
2:15 - How to learn languages efficiently?
3:24 - Projects for resume if I don't have work experience?
4:53 - Do interview question scenarios come up in real work?
5:33 - How to prepare for coding interviews?
6:31 - Advice to get better at competitive programming
7:30 - When we gunna see that video

LinkedIn:   / jasonlevigoodison  
Instagram:   / jasongoodison  
Github: https://github.com/JasonLeviGoodison (Leetparty projects here)

Tech Inturn was prepared or accomplished by Jason Goodison in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this video are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Microsoft, Waterloo, or its affiliates.


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