The Day Is Done - Henry W. Longfellow (Powerful Life Poetry)

Описание к видео The Day Is Done - Henry W. Longfellow (Powerful Life Poetry)

The first video in our new Powerful Life Poetry series: The Day is Done by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Read by John Mydrim Ballantyne Davies.

About the poet:
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an American poet and educator whose works include "Paul Revere's Ride", The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline. He was the first American to translate Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and was one of the Fireside Poets from New England. Longfellow wrote many lyric poems known for their musicality and often presenting stories of mythology and legend. He became the most popular American poet of his day and had success overseas

Speaker: John Mydrim Ballantyne Davies

The Day Is Done

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1807-1882

The day is done, and the darkness
Falls from the wings of Night,
As a feather is wafted downward
From an eagle in his flight.

I see the lights of the village
Gleam through the rain and the mist,
And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me,
That my soul cannot resist:

A feeling of sadness and longing,
That is not akin to pain,
And resembles sorrow only
As the mist resembles the rain.

Come, read to me some poem,
Some simple and heartfelt lay,
That shall soothe this restless feeling,
And banish the thoughts of day.

Not from the grand old masters,
Not from the bards sublime,
Whose distant footsteps echo
Through the corridors of Time.

For, like strains of martial music,
Their mighty thoughts suggest
Life's endless toil and endeavor;
And to-night I long for rest.

Read from some humbler poet,
Whose songs gushed from his heart,
As showers from the clouds of summer,
Or tears from the eyelids start;

Who, through long days of labor,
And nights devoid of ease,
Still heard in his soul the music
Of wonderful melodies.

Such songs have power to quiet
The restless pulse of care,
And come like the benediction
That follows after prayer.

Then read from the treasured volume
The poem of thy choice,
And lend to the rhyme of the poet
The beauty of thy voice.

And the night shall be filled with music
And the cares that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs,
And as silently steal away.

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T&H Inspiration is on a mission to share inspiring wisdom. The goal is to have you pause, think, and reflect. Many of our videos revolve around the extraordinary teachings of Alan Watts that we produce with permission from the Alan Watts Electronic University.

T&H also films and releases original interviews with iconic people who have experienced successes, while also persevering through life's highs and lows. We look forward to sharing more of these perspectives and insights.

Our hope with these videos is to push your thinking. As Alan Watts said “No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.” – Alan Watts.


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