CQU Qualtrics - Bot detection, or how to protect your survey from bots - Dr Alex Russell

Описание к видео CQU Qualtrics - Bot detection, or how to protect your survey from bots - Dr Alex Russell

This video describes some of the Fraud Detection features in Qualtrics. Please see also this page: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/sur...

Note that fraud detection isn't available in all licenses, so please contact your administrator if you're missing features that you need.

This video covers Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing, Bot Detection (using Recaptcha), Email Scan Roadblock and RelevantID.

With all (except Email Scan Roadblock), you can either flag a response for potential removal during analysis, or you can use the embedded data to disallow the attempt to be completed. But also note that there might be times when you don't want to automatically screen someone out based on these, especially Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing. I discuss this in the video.

As always, please leave a comment and let me know if you want to see anything in particular in these videos.


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