What It's Actually Like To Win a Robotics Competition

Описание к видео What It's Actually Like To Win a Robotics Competition

Ever wonder what it's like to win an FRC competition? Well join us in this competition recap of Kentwood 2022. From the highs, to the lows, to the boring middle portion, we show it all. This video is a sequel to our last video, 'How We Accidentally Won a Robotics Competition' so if you haven't watched that yet, go do that!

We're releasing this now to hopefully inspire some of the other FIRST FRC teams and to really ignite that competitive spirit. What better way to kickoff Kickoff, then to see what it's like to win a competition. We made this video to be shared so if you're a team member of a larger team, share this around. Have an aunt or uncle that doesn't really know what robotics is, show them this!


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