Your Name. (Kimi no Na wa)

Описание к видео Your Name. (Kimi no Na wa)


How can I even begin to talk about Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)? For the longest time, it has felt like an insurmountable task. Too much too good to ever be able to provide any justice to this amazing film. How can I convey the jaw-dropping beauty of the 2D animation or the emotional heart of the incredible score from RADWIMPS, let alone trying to express anything coherent of the power that this story tells? But I couldn't let this "Unintentional Animation Season" come to its end without getting to a film as great as Your Name. 
This is something special, even magical, and more people need to see it. Beyond that, I just need to get these thoughts out of my head, because it's keeping me up at night. Something THIS good deserves to be talked about nonstop! It is a simple idea but told with just perfection, and heart that you fall right in love with the rest of the characters. 
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Thank you so much to those who contributed to this review with their thoughts. 
BabyGroot15 on Letterboxd
Holme's Review on Letterboxd
Soumik on Letterboxd
If you would like to contribute to the next episodes of Weathering With You, My Neighbor Totoro, and even the Mission Impossible franchise, please connect with me on Letterboxd or send me an email - [email protected] 

Also worth mention:
RADWIMPS performing with a live Orchestra Concert
Instagram @thebasementbinge
or send me an email - [email protected]
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You can also follow me on Letterboxd @HARRYPerry13
Best of the Best intro music by Anthony P.
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Covers Used:
Kimi no Na wa - "Zen Zen Zense" by RADWIMPS (Rock Cover) - YouTube
🎵Sparkle - Kimi no Nawa (君の名は) OST l 4hands piano - YouTube
🎵Zen Zen Zense (前前前世) - Kimi no Nawa (君の名は) l 4hands piano - YouTube
Kimi no Nawa OST -Yumetourou (4Hands piano) - YouTube
Nandemonaiya Fingerstyle Guitar Cover by Edward Ong - YouTube


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