Automation Mechatronics at Chattanooga State

Описание к видео Automation Mechatronics at Chattanooga State

The Engineering Technology Division of Chattanooga State Community College and Volkswagen Chattanooga have collaborated to develop an Associate of Applied Science degree in Engineering Systems Technology with a concentration in Mechatronics Systems. All training for the Automation Mechatronics Program takes place at the state-of-the-art Volkswagen academy. The goal of the program is to produce the best-trained, multi-skilled workers in the automotive industry through a unique educational program.
Students are chosen each year from a pool of applicants through a competitive selection process based on testing and interviews. Potential applicants must meet additional entry requirements to be considered. They will be challenged throughout the program and must be at college level to qualify.
The 3-year course begins with two semesters in the VW Academy where students are taught machining and electrical skills along with academic courses in math and physics. Safety is always stressed throughout the program. Students receive a class in industrial safety and are trained to meet the Volkswagen safety requirements.
Hands-on training and academic classes are held each day from 7:45 until 2:45 allowing students to acquire additional skills and learning over a typical degree program.
The education is modeled after the German apprenticeship programs. Classes are structured for 30% classroom instruction and 70% hands-on learning.
The third semester is spent in the Volkswagen production plant where the students are paid as they work. Four semesters of paid on-the-job training are spread throughout the program. Maintenance responsibilities and pay increase with each semester of on-the-job-training.
Students will be trained in hydraulics and pneumatics, welding, machine technology, computers, computer aided drafting, troubleshooting, PLC programming, robotics and automation. Academic courses in language arts, economics and the humanities are also included in the program.
All of the training will come together in the final semester when the student will complete a capstone project to prove a mastery of the skills and knowledge gained.
Upon successful completion of the mechatronics program the student will be given a conditional job offer for employment as a team member at Volkswagen. Graduates will also possess valuable skills needed by many other manufacturing and industrial companies in the region.
Become a part of Chattanooga's manufacturing comeback through the automation mechatronics program from the Engineering Technology Division of Chattanooga State.


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